About Me

“I choose to leave foot prints in this life that will enable another to take positive steps"

About Me

I am a seeker of truth and light  - A lover of peace and joyful living

I engage easily with all of life’s lessons, as I believe they are life’s hidden treasures.

My ability to hold deeply what concerns you, will enable you to explore without fear what needs to be brought into the open. To shine the light on what looks dark, to find what is needed in the now. 

I will listen empathetically whilst holding the sacred space that will support and guide you, for you to talk, to walk through your mind in your quest for answers, solutions, or simply to be heard.

I have been told that I am as warm as the sun rays, I have a sense of humour that brings joy and laughter when it is needed, and yet cool enough to soothe an aching head. (please see the testimonial page).

All this and more I bring in the field as an Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counsellor (2012). Holistic Therapist (1991), and Spiritual Healer (1985).

My combined qualifications and practices, coupled with my own personal experiences have taught me that Life is a journey, it is for living, to forgive with understanding, and to love all, irrespective status,  race, colour or creed.

Whatever path you are journeying through now, be it planning your wedding, have received a baby or child in the family, moving into a new home. Need a prayer to comfort you. I promise I will do my best to serve you well.

Whoever you are, however you are, I hope as you journey through the next page, there will be a service of interest to you, and I look forward to championing you throughout the journey and to witness your celebration.

Mashallah Faith


“I chose to leave foot prints in this life that will enable another to take positive steps.” 

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