



Indulge and treat your mind body and spirit to this super relaxing massage. Designed with you in mind, I will signature the session to take you on a journey to give you a treatment that will help to release tension from the body through skilful manipulation, remove toxins by using gentle pressure and directing the blood and oxygen flow to the right places for detoxifying, increase the flow of blood and oxygen to bring nutrients to organs and skin.

I can if you desire, incorporate your spiritual practices with the session, be it candle burning, incense, meditation music or chant to create an atmosphere that is warm and peaceful. If you do not have any spiritual practices, I can design one for you that I am sure you will enjoy.


The complete treat of having full body massage, including massage of the scalp, face, will leave your skin feeling soft and supple. Joints and muscles will feel easier to move.

Give yourself permission to ‘free’ up your mind and enter into the zone of bliss as each part of your body lets go of stress and tension; release clutter from your mind, and giving in to being at peace with yourself.

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The Bespoke Therapeutic Healing Massage was so good!yesterday,it did me the world of good, and it was so much needed!! I felt so much better afterwards, my shoulders aren’t aching and my neck isn’t so stiff & and no headaches, I felt so relaxed, when I got home, I just relaxed, And slept well, woke up this morning, feeling so much better.

I know that you’re the only person that can sort my shoulders and back, neck out, thank you so much for that massage yesterday . I definitely feel so much better. Thank you Mashallah 


Bespoke Massage

BESPOKE Therapeutic Healing Massage Treatments

How many times have you been somewhere for a massage hoping to feel lighter on your feet, less tired and in less pain, feeling more flexible, more grounded and happy so that you are filled with a sense of well being? My name is MASHALLAH FAITH and these are a few of the things that satisfied clients have said after receiving treatments from me.

Registered and Licensed Massage Therapist (BABTAC)
Spiritual Counsellor (ROSIM)
Healer (Healing Trust)
25 years in the NHS and Private Sector

I have now combined my qualifications and years of experience in formulating Bespoke Massage – a technique I developed and evaluated. I concluded that my holistic method of exploration and treatment made a huge difference to the lives of people.You are invited to contact me with any questions before making a decision. I look forward to you giving yourself permission to feel better and making that call.

Bespoke massage  - 1.5 hours £91.00

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